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Wanna Get Into Reading and Don’t Know Where to Start?

A Look into How I Became a Book Lover

Believe me, I know becoming an avid reader can seem like a daunting task. We all know there are a lot of stereotypes around readers, and it’s easy to believe you can’t be a reader if you don’t fit into one of them. In addition to that, there are tons of other valid reasons that stop those early in their reading journey from fully taking the leap into the literary world. This blog post is to let you all in on how I fell in love with reading and how you can too. 

Follow me on a journey all the way back to the early 2000s. Picture a little Monique dilly-dallying her way through elementary school. We all know that some kids have just an innate drive for learning, and I’d argue that I was one of those kids. Along with an already nurtured love for learning, it was also pretty cool to me to look smart. What does “smart” look like to an elementary school kid? To me, it looked like the stereotypical glasses, sweater, and carrying a book combo. Naturally, I felt the need to fit into that, so of course I started picking up books more often. Little did I know, reading would grow to become one of my favorite things to do. Somewhere down the line, reading became less about learning and more about doing something fun. 

There are so many things to love about experiencing a good book, but my absolute favorite thing about reading is connecting with the characters. Yes, I get it, they’re fictional characters but there’s something so special about relating to a character in a book. Sometimes I’ll be reading a fantasy or science fiction novel and find myself empathizing with some mythical creature in a made-up land. It’s truly fascinating how authors have mastered the ability to create works of art that can elicit so many different emotions in their audience. Sure, you may not relate to every book you read, but at the very least you are able to learn something about yourself. And that’s the best thing about reading, there is something out there for EVERYONE. Which leads to the next question, how can you find a book that’s right for you? 

Romance, fantasy, thrillers, and science fiction are amongst some of my favorite genres when it comes to reading, but there are plenty of others out there to choose from. My advice? Look at the types of shows you watch, your TikTok algorithm, even the kinds of topics you love discussing with your friends. Chances are, there’s a book out there that’s equally, if not more, entertaining than some of your favorite things. You know how it feels to be so sucked into a tv show that it feels like it’s apart of your personality? Times that by a million and you’ll find that’s how it feels to read a book that is so in tune with your thoughts and emotions that it feels like the author wrote the book just for you. 

I’ll leave you with a few tips to jumpstart your reading journey. 

  1. Look inward. Ask yourself, “What are some of my favorite topics? What are my favorite movies about? What am I always talking about with my friends/family?”. Once you know what you like, it’s easier to find a book that fits you. 
  2. Use your resources. There are tons of people everywhere talking about books. Social media, blogs, and bookstores are great places to find recommendations for every genre. 
  3. Remember that reading doesn’t have to be some huge learning experience. It can just be fun, silly, entertainment. 
  4. Don’t be intimidated by super experienced readers with bookshelves that seem to go on for miles or reading goals higher than a three-year old can count. 
  5. My last piece of advice is this: don’t let the fear of not fitting the “reader” stereotype stop you from falling in love with reading. There’s a book out there for you that can pave the way into your literary journey. The task is finding it. 

Stay tuned for my next post where I’ll be highlighting some of my favorite reads that constantly remind me of why I am a book lover. 

Bye for now,

Monique <3  

Monique Barbour

Product Manager & Writer

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One response to “Wanna Get Into Reading and Don’t Know Where to Start?”

  1. […] my first article, Wanna Get Into Reading and Don’t Know Where to Start?, I touched on how my love for reading began at an early age and continued to blossom from there. […]

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