
everything from fantasy book reviews to everyday lifestyle moments

About Me

Hi, I’m Monique!

A little bit about me. I’m a 24-year old lover of reading, learning, and traveling. I wanted to start this blog as a catch-all for some of my “big thoughts,” as I often call them. I’ve lived in RVA for the past two years, having moved here after graduating from Howard University in 2022 (H-U! You know!). I currently work in tech, but have always loved all things creative, so this seemed like a good idea.

Getting to Know Me

Some other fun facts about me.

  • I have a two-year old Golden-doodle puppy named Opal.
  • I work a fully remote role at a Data Analytics company, so I spend probably around 80% of my time at home, the other 20% is spent traveling with either my boyfriend, family, or friends.
  • Some of my favorite hobbies are reading (obviously), painting, puzzling, or binge-watching tv.

Growth through Reading

It’s hard enough deciding who you are, your passions, your goals, and literally everything else throughout the entirety of your life. I found it to be particularly difficult post college graduation when life as you know it completely changes. I’ve enjoyed reading my whole life, but there was a particular uptick in the number of books I was reading the year following my college graduation. For me, that anxiety around the “post-grad impending doom” feeling was heavily alleviated through reading.

Delving into fiction, in particular, offers a unique window into diverse perspectives, cultures, and life experiences, fostering empathy and understanding. By exploring what drives different characters and their stories, I have gained insights into my own life and challenges, which has helped tremendously in navigating adulthood with greater confidence and clarity.

Reading not only gives you the opportunity to experience the lives of the characters, but it also inspires you to challenge your way of thinking. Growth can come from many aspects of life, but, to me, one constant contributor to growth is continuing to question your thoughts and opinions. A common misconception of reading is that all writing is based in fact and should be perceived as truth simply because it is written in a book. No matter where you are in your reading journey, remember to question as you learn.

As I begin my journey as a blogger, my hope is to inspire readers of all levels to remember reading is FUN and can be such a huge instrument to enhancing your life, whether that be as an escape from reality or as a driver in making your dreams a reality. With that, welcome to Monique Reads and I hope you enjoy the content.

With love,

Monique Barbour

Product Manager & Writer